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Welcome to the Online National Assessment Platform

The Online National Assessment Platform (the Assessment Platform) enables the online delivery of National Assessment Program events including NAPLAN, NAP sample and readiness and practice testing. For more information about the tests, visit

For schools with limited technical infrastructure or internet connectivity, NAPLAN low bandwidth delivery offers an equivalent digital testing experience to NAPLAN Online for students across Australia.

Both Online and Low Bandwidth modes follow three workflows (Preparing, Delivering and Results).

View the public demonstration tests

Or learn more about the workflows

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1. Preparation
2. Delivering
3. Results
preparing phase icon
Preparing - pre-cutover

At the beginning of the assessment cycle, once Principals have completed registration, schools can begin preparation by inviting and managing school-based users to access the Assessment Platform. Schools can make use of technical readiness tools to perform technical readiness checks. Schools provide their local test administrative authority (TAA) with student data to upload in preparation for ‘cutover’ which will allow schools to manage student data on the Assessment Platform.

pre cutover preparing icon
Preparing - post-cutover

When cutover is complete, schools will then be able to manage student data in the Assessment Platform. Schools complete ‘Preparing’ tasks by checking student data and enrolments for their school.

Delivering icon
Delivering - test preparation

After completing ‘Preparing’ tasks, schools proceed to ‘Delivering’ tasks. During this phase in the lead up to the NAPLAN testing window, the school manages and prints test administrator logins, prepares student logins and confirms their technical readiness and resources.

Delivering phase icon
Delivering - test delivery

This is the NAPLAN testing window during which testing takes place at schools. Schools will assist Test Administrators and students to participate in their test sessions. At the end of the test window, schools complete any further administration tasks online before confirming that the school has finished with their testing.

Results icon

During this time, results will be made available to schools.